SEIMI Equipements Marine : Distributeur de solutions pour les professionnels de la mer et du fluvial
Seimi équipements marine

Kit de réarmement manuel 24gr

Réf : LIF2795

The United Moulders (UM) lifejacket inflator features a screw-in cartridge that activates on contact with water. The cartridge mechanism uses a high-powered compressed spring held in place by a paper element. When the paper element dissolves, the spring is released, allowing the ignition mechanism to puncture the CO2 cylinder. The CO2 is then directed through a manifold to inflate the lifejacket. This automatic system is accompanied by a manual control, allowing the user to pull a lever to inflate the lifejacket.
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Prix public TTC

Kit de réarmement manuel 24gr

Réf. LIF2795

  • Matière dangereuse : non
  • Poids :
  • Page du catalogue papier : 376

  • Poids : 24 g
  • Système de déclenchement : manuel